Here are the FM Members taking part:
- Connie Cockrell -- conniesrandomthoughts
- dabrownofmn -- D. Anthony Brown
- Eblgorton -- The Writings of Necia
- Erin M H -- Erin M. Hartshorn Blog
- Malloriel -- Caffeinated Inspiration
- MrGrey -- Simon Batt's Hidden Den
- Zette -- Joyously Prolific
How to join:
Do you like to write really short fiction? Here is your chance to join in a weekly flash fiction exercise. There are only a few rules:
1. The fiction must be 1000 words or less (not including the title or byline). Some people like to limit flash fiction to 500 words. Feel free to do so!
2. The material must be posted on a blog or like site.
3. The total number of words must be posted at the bottom of the story.
4. You must post a link to the Forward Motion Flash Friday list (which will be created after we have some people sign up). The link should be at the bottom of every story.
You can write whatever genre and subject fits your mood. Just remember that a Flash Fiction piece is a complete story, with a beginning and an ending and not fragments of stories.
You do not have to take part every week, but if you go for four weeks without posting a flash fiction story, your link will be removed. You can be reinstated later if you want to rejoin.